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- Mar 09 Sun 2014 22:41
喜鵲韻 The Magpie rhyme
喜鵲韻 The Magpie rhyme
版本A |
版本B |
版本C |
一聲是悲傷One for sorrow, |
一聲是悲傷One for sorrow, |
一聲是悲傷One for sorrow, |
兩聲是歡樂Two for joy, |
兩聲是歡笑Two for mirth, |
兩聲是歡樂Two for joy, |
三聲是個女孩Three for a girl, |
三聲是葬禮Three for a funeral, |
三聲是個女孩Three for a girl, |
四聲是男孩Four for a boy, |
四聲是出世Four for a birth, |
四聲是男孩Four for a boy, |
五聲是銀Five for silver, |
五聲是天堂Five for heaven, |
五聲是銀Five for silver, |
六聲是金Six for gold, |
六聲地獄Six for hell, |
六聲是金Six for gold, |
七的秘密永遠不會被告知Seven for a secret never to be told, |
七聲魔鬼他自己Seven is the Devil his own self, |
七的故事從來沒有被告知Seven for a tale never to be told, |
八聲是願望Eight for a wish, |
八聲是願望Eight for a wish, |
八聲是你活Eight you Live, |
九是一聲吻Nine for a kiss, |
九是一聲吻Nine for a kiss, |
九聲是你死Nine you Die, |
十是你不會想錯過一隻鳥。Ten for a bird that you won’t want to miss. |
十是大歡樂幸福的時刻。Ten for a time of Joyous Bliss. |
十是你吃了柏忌餡餅!Ten you eat a bogey pie! |
在愛爾蘭,是很常見的背誦“Five for a wedding(五聲婚禮)”。(這種特殊的版本中使用的 Counting Crows(計數烏鴉)歌“A Murder of One(之一的謀殺)”。) |
最後一行可以分割並且縮寫為七年代 De'il / his ane sel’,押韻。這兩聲版本以上的功能,突出在 Terry Pratchett(泰瑞普萊契)的Discworld(碟形世界) 小說 的Carpe Jugulum。 |
在Yorkshire(約克郡)的the Magpie Rhyme(喜鵲韻) |
版本D |
版本E |
版本F |
一聲帶來悲傷One brings Sorrow, |
一聲是悲傷One for sorrow, |
一聲是悲傷One for Sorrow, |
兩聲帶來歡樂Two bring Joy, |
兩聲是歡樂Two for joy, |
兩種歡呼Two for joy, |
三聲一女孩Three a Girl, |
三聲是婚禮Three for a Wedding, |
三聲是個女孩Three for a girl, |
和四聲一男孩And Four a Boy, |
四聲是男孩Four for a Boy, |
四聲是男孩Four for a boy, |
五聲帶來希望Five bring Want, |
五的提琴手Five for a Fiddler, |
五聲是銀Five for silver, |
和六聲帶來黃金And Six bring gold, |
六一舞蹈Six for a Dance, |
六聲是金Six for gold, |
七把秘密從來沒有告訴過Seven bring secrets never told, |
七聲古老的英國Seven for old England, |
七的秘密永遠不會被告知Seven for a secret never to be told, |
八帶來希望Eight bring wishing, |
和八聲是法國and Eight for France. |
八聲是願望Eight for a wish, |
九帶來吻Nine bring kissing, |
九是一聲吻Nine for a kiss, |
十愛我自己的心的缺失!Ten, the love my own heart’s missing! |
十是一聲驚喜,你應該小心不要錯過Ten a surprise you should be careful not to miss, |
十一健康Eleven for health, |
十二財富Twelve for wealth, |
十三提防它是魔鬼。Thirteen beware it’s the devil himself. |
在Warwickshire(沃里克郡)的韻 |
提出的版本 Maddy Prior(麥迪)在流行的民歌“Magpie(喜鵲)” |
Manchester(曼徹斯特) |
- Mar 09 Sun 2014 09:24
Monday's child 星期的童謠
Sunday 獻給太陽的日子 (the day of the Sun)
Monday 獻給月亮的日子 (the day of the Moon)
Tuesday 獻給戰神的日子(the day of the Tiw)
Wednesday 獻給萬物之神的日子 (the day of Woden)
Thursday 獻給雷神的日子(the day of Thor)
Friday 獻給愛與美之神的日子 (the day of Frigg)
Saturday 獻給農神的日子 (the day of Saturn)
Monday's child 星期的童謠:
Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednessday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go
Friday's child is loving and giving
Saturday' child works hard for a living
But the chlid that is born on the Sabbth-day(Sunday)
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay
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